
Verdict for the Plaintiff

Posted by Phillip Warren | Jan 30, 2024 | 0 Comments

The jury delivered justice on Friday, January 26, 2024 for our client who was significantly injured in a rear-end collision. Although the defendant driver admitted he was negligent in causing the crash, his insurance company refused to take full responsibility. The medical evidence overwhelmingly established that the car crash had caused his significant injuries and permanent limitations.
Instead of taking full responsibility, the insurance company spent nearly one hundred thousand dollars paying multiple experts to contest nearly every aspect of this case. The defense even followed our client around and spied on him and his family over the course of several years following the crash. They attacked our client and his medical history throughout the entire case.
During the week-long trial, the defense relentlessly continued its attack on our client's injuries and credibility. Our team spent many years, before trial, submitting evidence to the insurance company to justify a fair settlement of this claim, but they repeatedly ignored it. TWWHB deployed all of the firm's resources: our years of experience in handling multimillion dollar cases (and, on multiple occasions, obtaining Top 100 Verdicts in Florida), our financial resources, and our courtroom strategy. Thankfully, the jury saw through the smoke screen and antics the defense put up to try to avoid taking full responsibility for injuring our client.
The trial team—TWWHB attorneys, Phillip Warren, Keith Weidner, Stephanie Taylor, Shelby Savage, and paralegal, Jenni Osier—as well as our support staff at the office worked tireless hours not only in the preparation of the case over the course of several years but also in the months leading up to the trial itself. When clients trust us to make certain justice is delivered, we spare no effort, time, or expense. While there can be no guarantee of the result, there is always a guarantee that our firm will spare no effort. Of course, justice can never be delivered without the most important people in this process. That is the jurors who sacrificed their time and lives to serve. We especially thank them and appreciate their focus and attention to the evidence, their thoughtful deliberation, and their fair verdict. This is why we do what we do.

About the Author

Phillip Warren

Phillip devotes the same honor, courage, and commitment to his clients as he did in the USMC.


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