When Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company denied these policyholders' claim for damage to their home from a fire, the homeowners contacted us. This Pensacola family had purchased homeowner's insurance from the company with the red elephant, Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company. In exchange, Universal promised to insure the family home in case of disaster if the family agreed to pay insurance premiums. The family agreed to the deal and paid Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company over $2,000.00 for insurance to protect their home.

Universal Tried to Re-Neg On Its Agreement to Cover the Home
Unfortunately, the family home experienced an accidental fire. The fire burned the home to the ground and consumed almost every possession they owned. Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company had no problem accepting this family's money for premiums, until they needed to make a claim that is. When Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company found out about the accidental fire, they decided they no longer wanted to be the family's insurance company—they wanted to “take-back” the deal. Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company did not claim the fire was not covered under the policy. Accidental fire is clearly covered by this policy. The insurance company argued that it did not have to honor the policy because one of the family members answered a question on the application incorrectly.
They Pointed to a Mistake in the Application to Try to Deny the Claim
Instead of scouring through the debris and helping the family evaluate the extent of the damage, Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company went scouring the public records to see if they could find a mistake on the application. When Universal found a mistake involving a mathematical error dealing with the length of time since an event, 8 /12 years earlier, they simply refused to pay any money to help this family. Universal essentially ripped up the policy in the face of the family.
How TWW Was Able to Help This Family of Six Recover
Thankfully, unsatisfied with Universal's investigation of their claim and coverage decision, this family of six decided to hire Taylor, Warren & Weidner, P.A. to handle their insurance dispute with Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company. Taylor, Warren & Weidner, P.A. filed a law suit against Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company for breach of contract because it refused to honor its promise to provide this family with benefits after their property was damaged by fire. Partner, J. Phillip Warren, with the assistance of paralegal, Tracy Hendrix, FRP, presented this family's case to an Escambia County Jury. After a three day trial, the jury quickly came back with a verdict finding that Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company had breached their contract with the family. The jury's verdict requires Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company to honor the policy and provide the benefits it promised nearly four years earlier.
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